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Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Bambi: Movie Review

A country without a memory is a country of madmen.
George Santayana

This movie was actually based on a novel created by Felix Salten. He is known by his famous novel that became a film and is known as a classic.

The main characters are Bambi, the child of the Great Prince of the forest and his unnamed mother (yes I tried looking for the moms name and no luck), his friends Thumper (rabbit), Flower (skunk), and his childhood friend and future mate, Faline.

 Around this time, producers avoid anything that relates to another culture that Americans have not seen before. When a production was made, they did what they can to “Americanize” any piece of information that will help the production look different, but stay accurate as much as possible. Nowadays people accept other cultures due to experiences that help

My perspective:
A book had fallen into the hand of the company Disney, ready to be used as a moral lesson in life that little kids will not understand. I saw this movie around seven years old. It seemed to be a simple film that I believed will not have a scene of a person (mainly a parent) dying and son or daughter tries to get revenge. I was wrong of course for the fact that a dear ends up dying and bambi became a deer looking for revenge (not really since he had never saw how a human looks like).

After seeing the movie again,

The movie was actually stable on what it showed to kids, good and simple characters having fun. All that happiness went away due to one scene that still makes no sense!

The mother clearly states that the meadow is a dangerous place to be and they have to be careful. Okay, why would an animal, which clearly knew that the meadow is dangerous but still risked it, with her only child, go into the meadow? I understand that there is not any grass, but being out in the open was a horrible idea. I swear if an animal can talk its own language with others by intelligence, they should use that intelligence and give them common sense!

I was originally put the proper version of this scene. Sadly, this is the only video I can find honestly.

Deer are the kind that likes to sacrifice them self, so I am assuming the mother had that “pride”

The mom gets shot, somehow and bambi escapes, only to find out that she died by his father. Where the heck is the father all this time? This guy sure is mean leaving his family to “protect the forest”, lies! Or that is what dears do, I will look into that.

Overall, I liked this movie, even though it lacked common sense with the animals, this is a kids film after all, so I am giving it the pass factor just for now since it gave me a chuckle. I still cannot believe the mother died still baffles my mind. I thought she ran away and got separated by her only child. It gave a moral of the circle of life at the end. As adult Bambi sees his mate gave birth to two other deer.

I recommend this movie and give it some common sense into it; it will make a person laugh

Good movie overall, but the moral would be better handed if some common sense was involved,
*ahem* Loin King.


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